Unexpected Pregnancy: Making a Pregnancy Decision
Unexpected Pregnancy: Making a Decision

Unexpected Pregnancy: Making a Pregnancy Decision

You’ve taken the home pregnancy test and watched the result come back positive. This isn’t what you planned. What now? An unexpected pregnancy is an experience so many women share, yet most feel very alone when they read the result. Your stomach might have felt like it dropped to the floor. Life might not seem… Read More

sad woman with pregnancy test

Determine Your Risk Factors Before an Abortion

Finding out that you’re pregnant isn’t always a happy occasion. Sometimes it’s unplanned and you feel like your whole world is falling apart. When that’s the case, it’s hard to see the future the way you’ve always imagined it would be. As you struggle not to panic, you might be on your phone, looking at… Read More

beautiful african american woman outside

Possible Signs of Pregnancy

When you’re worried that you might be pregnant, it’s easy to let panic and fear take over. This is normal. Anxiety should be expected, but don’t let it rule you. Sure, it’s scary, but set that aside for a few minutes and consider the signs of pregnancy. Common Early Signs of Pregnancy According to Mayo… Read More

Missed Period: Am I Pregnant?

Missed Period: Am I Pregnant?

A missed period is a moment that some women dread. Anxiously waiting for that time of the month, going to the bathroom in anticipation, and experiencing the growing stress — things no women want to experience. Unfortunately, missed periods happen, and they happen frequently. In fact, around 45% of pregnancies in the United States are… Read More

A Patient's Decision After These Long Difficult Weeks

A Patient’s Decision After These Long Difficult Weeks

For some women, an unplanned pregnancy can be scary. And the decision to follow can be even scarier. For one patient (we’ll call her patient “S”), it took several weeks to decide what to do.

Why This Patient's Ultrasound Was Fist Bump Worthy

Why This Patient’s Ultrasound Was Fist Bump Worthy

It’s one thing to find out you’re pregnant, but it’s another to find out you’re having twins. For some women, finding out they’re pregnant comes with a bit of stress. Parenting is a big life change! That’s why we offer our Parent University program. During the program, our patients gain parenting knowledge and earn free… Read More

Where Do You Get an Abortion?

Where Do You Get an Abortion?

Unplanned pregnancy is anything but easy. The shock that comes with a positive test and the anxiety that accompanies a major life change can be intense. Many women consider abortion in the days and weeks following a pregnancy test, especially those who don’t yet feel ready to become a parent. However, this may be a… Read More

One Patient's Reason For Tears In The Ultrasound Room

One Patient’s Reason For Tears In The Ultrasound Room

For some women, a positive pregnancy test is the cause of serious stress. For others, it’s a dream  come true. Here at ThriVe, we see lots of both types of women. That’s why we have programs and resources to help both! Recently, one of our Nurse Sonographers got to witness a dream come true… A… Read More

Where to Seek Unplanned Pregnancy Help

Where to Seek Unplanned Pregnancy Help

For women who aren’t quite ready to be parents, there are few things scarier than facing an unplanned pregnancy. From the moment a second line appears on the test, it feels almost as if your life flashes before your eyes: all of the plans you had in your mind for the near future, from seeing… Read More