You’ve taken the home pregnancy test and watched the result come back positive. This isn’t what you planned. What now?
An unexpected pregnancy is an experience so many women share, yet most feel very alone when they read the result. Your stomach might have felt like it dropped to the floor. Life might not seem to make sense the way it did just a few minutes ago.
Now, you have some decisions to make, which isn’t easy when your emotions are running high and you’re feeling overwhelmed. You may feel like there’s no one you can talk to right now, or that those close to you may be more judging than supportive. Here are a few steps to making a pregnancy decision when unexpectedly pregnant.
At Thrive St. Louis, we understand what you are going through. Make an appointment to come talk with one of our advocates. We’re here to walk with you, hand-in-hand. To support you, to answer all of your questions in an open and honest, unbiased way.
We are committed to providing a caring, compassionate, non-judgmental environment where you can ask every question that comes to mind, where you can explore every option open to you, and where you will find support no matter the decision you make.
First, let’s make sure you’re actually pregnant. Sometimes a home test can be wrong, so we offer a no cost, lab-grade pregnancy test. If your results are positive, then we’ll also offer an ultrasound to make sure your pregnancy is viable.
The last step is STD testing, so you can get treatment if results are positive. This is especially important if you’re considering an abortion. Having the procedure with an untreated STD risks resulting in pelvic inflammatory disease that can be very painful and could cause lifelong reproductive health problems.
Once your pregnancy has been confirmed, it’s time to take a close look at all your options—abortion, parenting, and adoption. Our advocate will help you look at your options while keeping your situation, your values, and your goals in mind.
Our team can answer all your questions about abortion honestly and give you clear unbiased information on the types of procedures and the risks involved.
We can also walk you through information on parenting, and if you choose this path, we’ll get you set up with a variety of resources and free parenting classes. Adoption is the third option, and we have information for you on this avenue as well, including a number of resources and referrals to agencies if you decide this is the best route.
Only you can make the decision that’s best for you. Our medical staff and patient advocates are here for you–to answer all your questions, to be absolutely supportive, and to make sure that you have the information and the freedom to make the decision you believe is the right one, the one that is best for YOU.