For some women, a positive pregnancy test is the cause of serious stress. For others, it’s a dream come true. Here at ThriVe, we see lots of both types of women. That’s why we have programs and resources to help both! Recently, one of our Nurse Sonographers got to witness a dream come true…
A woman wanting very badly to be pregnant came into ThriVe a couple weeks ago for a free ultrasound. Even though she had a positive pregnancy test, she needed an ultrasound to confirm viability. This patient, we’ll call her patient C,* had two previous miscarriages.
As our nurse prepped her for the ultrasound, she could see that C was physically shaking. Our nurse, Diane, asked her if she was okay. Patient C responded, “I’m just so nervous.” She went on to explain that with her prior two miscarriages she never saw either one of her baby’s heart beats. Obviously, this was what she was hoping to see during her appointment.
As the ultrasound procedure progressed to the point of measuring cardiac activity in the baby, sure enough, her baby’s heart beat was steadfast and strong! As nurse Diane pointed out the heartbeat to her, she immediately stated, “Oh my gosh, I am going to cry!” Our nurse responded, “That is totally okay. We see a lot of crying in our ultrasound rooms.”
Sometimes the tears are a result of pure joy at seeing their baby and at other times the tears are of pure fear at the tough decisions ahead. Whether you’re stressed or hopeful, you’ll find support at ThriVe St. Louis. Our team of medical professionals and patient advocates will walk you through your pregnancy options. Make an appointment today.