How to Tell Your Partner You’re Pregnant
How to Tell Your Boyfriend You’re Pregnant

How to Tell Your Partner You’re Pregnant

The thought of telling your partner you’re pregnant can certainly bring a rush of emotion. If this was an unexpected pregnancy, sharing the news can be particularly nerve-wracking. You may be wondering how to bring up the discussion, where to tell him, and what to say. Below are a few suggestions on how to tell… Read More

couple smiling and in love

3 Not-So-Obvious Signs You’re Not in a Healthy Relationship

When it comes to relationships, some red flags are more obvious than others. For example, excessive jealousy, violent reactions, and controlling behavior are obvious ones. But some signs are more subtle, and knowing them can help you avoid staying in an unhealthy relationship. Keep reading for 3 signs you’re not in a healthy relationship and… Read More

How Can Communication with Your Partner Help in the Event of an Unplanned Pregnancy

Communicating With Your Partner During an Unexpected Pregnancy

An unexpected pregnancy can throw anyone into a world of instant uncertainty. You never imagined making these hard decisions or having these necessary conversations with your partner right now. One thing that can help you navigate your unexpected pregnancy often gets overlooked: communication. In the content below, we define and discuss how communication can help… Read More