When you find yourself facing an unplanned pregnancy, it’s not uncommon to feel anxious and frightened. In fact, it’s not uncommon to want to do whatever it takes to put your situation behind you as quickly as possible.
Thrive St. Louis is here to walk you through some important steps when considering abortion. Learn more about our pre-abortion screening process and what you should take into account regarding your health if you think you may be unexpectedly pregnant. Here’s what you should do before you consider abortion.
No home pregnancy test is perfect. Before scheduling an abortion and going through the anxiety and cost that can accompany the procedure, it’s best to be sure that you’re actually pregnant. At Thrive St. Louis, we can help you confirm your pregnancy, providing lab-quality pregnancy tests to ensure a guaranteed result at your very first appointment. Once you are positive about your position, our counselors will be happy to talk with you about your options to help you make the best decision possible.
Did you know that 10% to 20% of known pregnancies and 50% of total pregnancies end in miscarriage? If you’re in the first few weeks of your pregnancy, there’s a chance your pregnancy may not be viable. From conditions like a blighted ovum – also known as an anembryonic pregnancy, a situation in which a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall but does not grow into an embryo – to chromosomal abnormalities, there are plenty of possibilities that can affect the chances of a successful pregnancy.
At Thrive St. Louis, we can provide ultrasound capabilities to help you determine the viability of your pregnancy, providing the information you need to make an informed decision.
Sexually transmitted diseases and infections are increasingly common in the United States, with one in two sexually active adults contracting an STI by age 25. While most conditions are easily treated, foregoing treatment before an abortion can put you at risk for serious health problems, including Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Prior to putting yourself in harm’s way, a comprehensive panel of tests and appropriate treatment if necessary are absolutely essential. At Thrive St. Louis, we can help with testing and treatment for common STIs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, syphilis, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis to ensure your health and safety.
Make an appointment with Thrive St. Louis today to discuss confirming your pregnancy and any additional information you should know before you consider abortion. We are here for you, to walk you through all of your options and help you to make a confident decision.